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Counseling Course!

Apostolic Counseling—based on the book by the same name—Is now available.  Dr. Doty has taught numerous counseling courses online and found that many people just can’t commit to being at a certain location at a certain time, so she is now doing this one via email. With this series of ten lessons, you can proceed at your own pace. You will study the PowerPoint lessons, then submit an assignment. This course is not for counselor certification; one cannot become certified in only ten lessons. But it helps to ground you and give you a basic knowledge and understanding of biblical principles as you work with others. The cost is $50 plus the text, unless you already have it. Most people do. You can register here on the website if you are interested. Looking  forward to working with you!

Lessons Include:

Introduction to Apostolic Counseling

Does the Church need Psychology?

The Sufficiency of Scripture

The Inducement to Change

The Dynamics of a Problem

Body, Soul, and Spirit

The Science of Thought

The Renewing of the Mind


The Four-Step Biblical Process

Your text will be Apostolic Counseling, which can be purchased on this website or through PPH. The cost for the course is $50.




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